The BalanceTutor allows the therapist to create a postural perturbation such as a slip or a trip.
Its advanced technology utilizes the platform’s movement in a medial/lateral and forward/backward direction while the patient is standing, walking or running allowing customized postural control practice in the specific gait phase that the therapist chooses to focus on. This allows for a vast range of physical therapy indications.
The BalanceTutor is the only rehabilitation system that employs an advanced 4D perturbation patented treadmill, multiple force and movement sensors and customized motivational video games.

BalanceTutor: Functional task specific gait and balance training
The BalanceTutor through its unique technology for the first time allows training reactive postural control response while standing or walking at different gait phases. This is not treated in traditional practice due to safety and customization issues. Together with proactive training the system allows for optimal rehabilitation outcome and recovery.
The BalanceTutor 4D treadmill can move forward, backward, and side to side while you are standing still or walking. You are safely put in a harness system that is suspended from a steel frame above you so you will never fall to the ground.
This may be part of your personalized and specialized treatment program at Element Physical Therapy. The BalanceTutor is unique from other treadmills and balance training. There is research supporting effective outcomes.
Impaired balance can relate to the following: muscle weakness, vision loss, heart disease, hearing, dementia, risk of falls, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Brain Injuries, Strokes, and more. Our therapists take you through training for your balance difficulties in a supervised, safe environment.
Trips and falls
Moving in crowds
Slippery Surfaces
Daily activities such as grocery shopping
Going up and down stairs or an inclined surface
Your work environment
Obstacles in your walking path
Dangerous weather
Uneven terrain
Returning to sports
With the use of the BalanceTutor 4D Treadmill, we can offer you a unique and personalized balance treatment plan that is symptom-driven and carefully diagnosed to address your balance challenges.
Balance and ambulation training related to underlying conditions including but not limited to:
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Concussion, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, a wide variety of orthopedic injuries, and high-level challenges for returning to sports.
Training for specific muscle strength, endurance, and functional integration into your daily activities or sports
4D balance training, meaning it can provide unexpected challenges (perturbations) to your balance in 4 different directions. This helps to better simulate scenarios in which you experience balance difficulty.

Clinical Indications
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vertigo and dizziness caused by vestibular system disorders
Neurological Rehabilitation
Head injury
Spinal cord injury
Multiple sclerosis
Cerebral palsy
Parkinson’s disease
Peripheral nerve injury
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Unique Features
Easy and fast set up
Programing manual/automatic postural perturbation
Gait Analysis
Vast range of rehabilitation protocols
Measurement and recording of center of pressure (COP)
Motivational and customized rehabilitation video games
Objective evaluations and documentation of patient’s progress
m-CTSIB Modified Clinical Test for Sensory Integration of Balance.